Hey There!
I’m so glad you’re here! I’m praying My Two Cents is a light that shines into the often dark and confusing world of money by speaking the Truth of God’s Word!
Need some help?
Need some help?
If you’ve been on the lookout for resources to aid you in your financial journey with Christ, these links are for you!
What people are saying…
“Being a faithful steward is a journey of ups and downs. There are seasons of drought and seasons of harvest. As we are being sanctified and glorified in Christ, we continually grow in our ability to manage all that God’s entrusted to us. As women of God, wives, mothers, workers in the marketplace — we need voices who point us to true north. Sarah brings a refreshing, honest approach to managing wealth and finances. Her authenticity makes her approachable. She is such a great guide and encourager- giving me permission to be imperfect in the process of managing everything that the Lord’s entrusted to me. Rooted and grounded in Truth, Sarah is a woman bringing biblical content in a time that we desperately need it. Grateful and encouraged by her thoughtful leadership and her influence, for such a time as this!”
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pssssssttt….you get to enjoy these FREE resources right off the bat!
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Hey! I'm Sarah- the girl behind My Two Cents
Want to know more about me?