If you haven't noticed,
I'm pretty passionate about sharing what the Bible says about money!
How did I get here? Why do I care so much? What exactly do I believe? I'd be happy to tell you...
Hi! I'm Sarah 🖐
I'm the girl behind My Two Cents.
My financial journey started in high school when God sparked a fire in me.
I received a brand-new Bible and decided to "organize my highlights" by color-coding them -pink for love, gray for prophesies, green for money, etc.
It didn't take long before I began to notice just how much I was using that green pencil.
God has A LOT to say about money!
I wondered how something God talked about so frequently was talked about so little at Church? How were we, as the Body of Christ, missing this?!
Since then I've embarked on a journey -reading a lot of books, studying The Scriptures, and learning to trust what God says is true and GOOD, by putting into practice what he says.
I realized quite early that teaching about this subject was a passion God had placed in my heart.
but it took me a while to truly heed the still small voice that was calling me to use Instagram as a God-given platform to share his message.
find me on the gram…
The journey the Lord has taken me on has not been easy, but it has been so VERY good.
-His fingerprints so very visible
-His kindness and generosity ever-present
If there is one thing I wish for you to learn through me it is this ⤵
Obeying God, all the way, right away, is worth it! Not just because he’s worthy of our obedience, but because he is so incredibly trustworthy
My Beliefs
You may have heard (even unknowingly) the prosperity gospel preached by well meaning teachers.
I believe this happens when we read certain portions of scripture without fully understanding the context.
For instance, Proverbs is a book full of practical wisdom, -this is to say that- following its guidelines is the very best practice, but the wisdom it contains is just that, wisdom. Not promises.
God loves to bless his children, as any good father does (Matthew 7:11), but he never promises that we will have material abundance (wealth/riches) in this life. In fact, he says quite the opposite. John 16:33
Going with God's guidance is always the best route, even if it doesn't quite match the picture we have of what "the best" should look like!
And I have seen from personal experience over and over again that old saying “where he guides, he provides.” is true!
If he calls us to it, we don’t need to wonder how we can afford to do it. We just need to walk in faithful obedience and in his perfect timing he will provide!
Tithing is a command under the Old Covenant that is quite literally impossible for us to do today.
Check out my “Tithing” highlight for lots of videos explaining this!
Tithing has been used for many years to unintentionally manipulate people into giving to churches and I deeply desire for tithing to have a chance at redemption as a beautiful practice God called the Israelites to and a helpful tool in our tool belts when we’re not sure what to do or where to start honoring God in our financial life.
Tithing offers us a unique view into how God wanted his people to use their resources, and that gives us a distinct glimpse into what he values most. BUT it is not something we are held to since the veil is torn. Praise the Lord, Oh my soul rejoice!
This point is impossible to skip over. I'd say it's one of the biggest financial points made in the Bible.
Giving is the BEST/ FUNNEST/ MOST EXCITING part of financial stewardship because it invites us into the work of God in a very tangible way! Giving is one of the most obvious ways that God lets us be his fingerprints in our communities and across the globe!
I think God gives each of our hearts a passion to help a specific area of need, whether that be battered women, starving children across the globe, human trafficking, injustice, homelessness in our towns, ect... the list could go on and on.
I doubt our hearts couldn't bear the weight of passionately caring for all the loss, hunger, and injustice in the world -it would crush us. I can't even begin to imagine how much God's heart must ache.
The World desperately needs Jesus. It desperately needs us to be his hands and feet. I encourage everyone I talk with to pray and seek out where God wants them to passionately serve and generously give.
Proverbs 14:21,31, 19:17, 21:13, 28:27, Isaiah 58:6-7, Matthew 25:34-40, Luke 3:10-11, Acts 4:32, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8,11, Ephesians 4:28, Matthew 26:11
The Bible is very specific that we are to gladly bear each other's burdens, but not be a burden. We are to work hard, be a blessing, carry our weight. There is no room for laziness in our lives. Slothfulness and trusting God to provide are two very different things.
This is one of the biggest reasons I became convinced to invest in retirement. We should prepare to take care of ourselves when our bodies no longer have the ability to work for sufficient income to live on. There is no reason for us to neglect this -if we do, we may certainty become a burden instead of a blessing to those close to us in our golden years.
Not only that but investing is one of the best ways to increase and multiply what God has given us, which is also something a wise manager does! -Check out this Video of Bob Lotich explains why Investing is so glorifying to God. I couldn’t say it better myself!
Proverbs 10:4, 12:11,24,27, Romans 13:8, 2 Corinthians 9:11, Ephesians 4:28, Colossians 3:23, 2 Thessalonians 3:10
Joseph (the one with the colorful coat) was given great power and wisdom to plan & save during the good times in order to save himself, his family, and even entire countries during the bad times.
And fun fact: He set aside one fifth (20%) which is what many financial experts recommend we save today!
Another example is found in Proverbs 6:6-8 where we are told to examine the ants -to watch how faithfully they work, saving enough food to get through the winter.
Winter will come. it always does, so it's wise to prepare.
This, of course, must be in balance with trusting God to provide our daily bread -both today and tomorrow. Our security must always remain in him as our provider for the future, not our savings. Otherwise, we may begin to idolize our savings and hoard to feel secure.
Debt is, simply put, acquiring something you haven't paid for under an agreement that you will pay in the future or face the penalties ( aka interest/fees, or in Bible times, slavery).
Let me be very clear, Debt is not a sin.
Debt will make a slave of anyone who enters into its agreement. When you owe a debt the past takes control of the future. It robs you of the freedom to live the financial life God is calling you to.
Debt can sometimes be a telltale sign that we are trying to appear as though we can afford a different standard of living than God has given us -it has a way of revealing to us our discontentment, or even greed & envy.
I have yet to find anywhere in the Bible that gives the impression that ANY kind of debt is wise- so I must heed the wisdom of God’s word and believe that it is best to avoid every kind of debt, while still acknowledging that debt is part of the economy. It has been since the earliest of times (God gives clear instructions to the Israelites about how and when to pay back debts and when to forgive them). Debt is not something to be afraid of -just something to handle with biblical wisdom. (Aka -Pay it back! Soon!)
Deuteronomy 15, 2 Kings 4:6-8, Proverbs 22:7, Proverbs 22:26, Romans 13:8, Matthew 18:25 Luke 14:28
Over and over throughout Scriptures we are reminded to place our trust in God, to acknowledge him and follow his ways.
We can easily, without even realizing it, begin to think that we're got this -we don't need God to provide for us, we are strong, capable and knowledgeable on our own.
Every step we take in our financial journey must be accompanied with a humble reminder to our hearts that our wealth and security comes from God, our ability to work and make an income is a gift, our knowledge and wisdom is straight from him, our self control is a fruit of the Spirit in us.
What we have belongs to him, down to the very air we breathe.
If God deems it best, He has the right to take away everything He has given us, insurance or not. In such moments, our trust in Him is crucial.
With that being said -insurance is a tool that we can use to transfer risk from ourselves to the company we are paying to take the risk.
It's a wise tool to use as long as we are cautious not the let our security rest in those policies instead of in God. We must prayerfully consider how much, and of what, is wise and be willing to change that number as God prompts us to.
Job 1:21, Deuteronomy 8, Psalm 20:7, Psalm 28:7, Psalm 31:6, Psalm 37:4-6, Psalm 116:10, Psalm 125:1, Psalm 145:13, Proverbs 3:5-6, Proverbs 16:20, Proverbs 22:19, Proverbs 28:25
Everything we've been given is a gift. God tells us often in his Word to share what we have with a grateful heart because of the abundance that we have in Christ.
Practicing hospitality is a beautiful service that flows out of a heart that knows how much blessings they have in Christ. Whether we posses much or little. Some of the most hospitable people I've known had much less assets than I did.
Practicing hospitality does not require a homestead large enough to entertain. It requires only a heart that is happy to share their blessings.
Admiring the beauty someone has made (Joanna Gaines!?! What in incredible woman!) and wanting to incorporate beauty and function into our lives is not wrong! Longing for others things for ourselves, being upset that they have more/nicer things than we do, or striving to "keep up" with them is wrong. The line between those things is sometimes blurred and easily crossed.
We must be very intentional about filling our hearts with gratefulness to combat the thorns of worldly greed and envy!
Check out what the Bible has to say about this!
Deuteronomy 5:21, Proverbs 13:7, Ecclesiastes 4:4, 5, Matthew 13:7 +22, Luke 3:14, Galatians 5:26, Galatians 5:19-21, Hebrews13:5-6, 1 John 2:15
1 Peter 4:9, Romans 12:13, Hebrews 13:2, 3 John 1:8, 1 Timothy 5:9-11