30-Day {financial} Prayer Challenge

download this wallpaper!

I felt stuck.

Have you been there?

My heart longed to do the right thing. My soul was grieved at how I failed over and over to honor the Lord in the way I managed what he had given me.

It was to the point where it felt foolish to try again… I knew I would end up failing again… What was I missing? Why couldn’t I gain freedom?

Was bondage in this area really something the Lord didn’t want me free from?

That’s when God opened my eyes to the peice of the puzzle I was missing.

If I really wanted freedom in this area… I needed to be willing to fight for it.

I’ve always known that the Devil is real, but it’s taken me a while to realize that his desire to continually sabotage my efforts to gain freedom are non-stop…

Thats when I realized the battle of disciplining myself in stewardship for the Glory of God needed to be steeped in continually prayer.

and not just a passive “Lord help me do better…”

A war cry against the Enemy.

and I needed OTHERS fighting for me too!

I know that there are so many of us struggling with poor money habits and managing expenses on a day-to-day basis and in need of someone to fight shoulder-to-shoulder with them!

- which is why I created this Challenge!

What you get:

  • Last, but defiantly not least!, a band of people with similar struggles all praying over each other!

    If you join this challenge you are committing to fight for your brothers and sisters in prayer!

  • a Printable 30-day financial prayer journal (with a daily habit-building check off!)

  • a Prayer calendar, with a daily area of your financial life to pray over

  • live prayer with me on Instagram during the week

  • a wallpaper for your phone

Join me on Instagram for prayer every day of the challenge!

  • You can join anytime and print your resources, but I will be going live with the prayer challenge in rounds.

    Announcements will be made a week before we begin a round of prayer together. :)

  • It is set up to be done 5 days/ week.

    thi ay if you miss a day or are away o weekends youdont miss anything.

    Also- I took inot considerton that this will go longer than a month, which is why the insider subscription is for 2 months

  • Absolutely.

    However, one of the best parts of the Challenge is praying over all the others in this challenge as well! There’s something powerful about being in it together and fighting for our brothers and sisters.

Want to be a part of this?

Want to be a part of this?

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”

-Ephesians 6:12