A Christmas Journey

It doesn’t seem like that long ago I was dreading the coming of Christmas…

Not because of family drama or driving through snowstorms, but simply because I knew every present, every cookie, every extra drop of gas would be going on the credit card with little hope of paying it off before the next Christmas rolled around…

(can you feel the vicious cycle?)

The financial strain ruined the peace and joy this season was meant to bring.

It benched my capacity to be fully present with my family.

This wasn’t what Christmas was meant to look like… feel like… be like.

Something needed to change.

So WE changed.

I had a lightbulb moment when I read Deuteronomy 14 - It was a command given to the Israelites to use “a tenth of their increase” as the means to Celebrate the feasts, that included eating, drinking, travel, dancing, fellowship, & rejoicing… God COMMANDED them to use their resources to celebrate and remember all that he has done.

If the Israelites could set aside 10% (Also called the Second Tithe, or the festival tithe) to celebrate the feasts, I could set aside SOMETHING to celebrate Christmas!

This Is How It Started:


The first year I had just a few dollars to set aside towards it. We were in the trenches of paying off debt. Our refrigerator and cupboards were nearly bare most of the time.

  • I didn’t spend any money on Christmas decor that year (although I did find some free things I was able to “update” and use!)

  • I didn’t own wrapping paper, and didn’t buy any.

  • I hunted for deals months in advance

  • I opened an Amazon credit card just for the $60 promo-then spent exactly $60 and closed the account.

  • I saved all my Menards Rebates throughout the year and used them for presents.

  • I scoured Pintrest for cheap cute gift ideas.

I still ended up using the Credit card- But significantly less than usual!

Year 2 I saw the potential momentum.

  • We were able to fully pay off the Credit card this year which opened us up to be able to put away even more!

  • I used Sheets just like this to plan and calculate how much I had to spend and could spend

  • This year I realized I needed to include extra money for food too and was able to set that aside.

  • Still using the creative ways I saved money the year before I also started utilizing Rakuten for certain purchases.

    We stayed fully in our budget!

Year three gave me great hope for Christmas possibilities

  • I once again started setting aside a little more each month

  • this year I used my planning sheets in January to calculate what I WANTED my budget to look like - the amount I had wished I could put into gifts for others. While still reasoning a modest amount for food and even buying our first Christmas tree!

    Once again, staying out of debt but this time truly enjoying finding gifts for everyone because I was able to set a reasonable amount aside each month!

By Year 4 I had realistic insight into what Christmas cost.

“Christmas Saving” now included:

  • Food

  • Decor

  • Travel

  • extra giving/spontaneous generosity

  • presents

  • And even a little cushion for the electric bill!

this was the year that I felt the full weight of the financial burden of Christmas lift from my back.

It was well worth letting go of the anxiety that other people may think our small gifts were due to stinginess or poor planning.

^(aka “fear of man”)^

It was worth sacrificing what society told me I “deserved” throughout the year.

It was worth “doing without” for a few years, to be rid of the financial burden for the many years to follow.

Which is why I put together a couple sheets, just like the Christmas planning sheets I used, for you!

Just click them to start the download for free!

I want you to be free from the financial burden during Christmas too!

I hope you have some conversations with God about money today!


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