Perspective is critical..
I had the privilege of hosting a workshop at a women's retreat a while ago and remember being floored by the number of women who showed up! It was so inspiring to see and hear from many of you and was such a confirmation for me that this passion is something God put in my heart for a reason. 🥰
I was reminded, once again, why I do this. Why does all this talk about money matters? Why striving to be a good steward is worth it- it’s not for financial freedom -although that is a necessary component- it’s for something so much more important than that.
What we do with our money matters because how we use our money has eternal effects.💫
When God asked for volunteers to donate and help build the tabernacle in the Old Testament he asked only for those willing- and SO MANY gave to even beyond what was needed! (Check out Exodus 35:4-29)
In the New Testament, Believers gave to support Paul and others “beyond their means” (2 Corinthians 8:1-15)
Why?! Were they delusional? Brainwashed. A little "too much".. Jesus freaks?
Or did they simply realize something we tend to glaze over...
Did they realize when something was needed to further God’s mission then that thing was of the HIGHEST priority and was the safest and highest yielding investment of their skills, time, labor, possessions and/or money.
You see, whatever it takes to draw people into a growing relationship with Christ is of incomprehensible worth. And when we adopt that perspective, our priorities tend to shift.
If your way to pull others one step closer to Jesus is to make cookies and bring them to your neighbors - then spend your money on flour, butter, sugar, and eggs.
If your calling is to open your house to young moms who need a breath and a friend, then go buy the coffee, cute decorations, baby gate, etc, and make your home a sanctuary of rest and revival for them.
If you want kids on the other side of the globe to feel Jesus' love through a full belly and an education, then sponsor a child - run a marathon to raise money for a clean well- packed meal.
God can do immeasurably more than we can imagine, with whatever we have, to draw others to him! All he needs from us is a willing, cheerful, (and dare I say BRAVE) heart. He doesn't need our money- he just wants our willingness. 🤲🏻
So how will we prioritize? Family is up high- I know that. Mine are too- that's all good.
Keeping up with the Jones'... I hate to admit it... but somehow that's a priority for me.. I wish I could say otherwise, but I see it, plain-as-day, in my budget.... I have to constantly ask myself why is it really I want that?…
Where is God’s mission on our financial priority list? You can be honest with yourself. And If you're not sure, I encourage you to be brave enough to ask Him. He'll tell you.. he knows your heart and budget even better than you do! It‘s super scary... I know!)
I don't want to be a seed scattered among the thorns. Do you? Let’s not allow the “the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word,” making us unfruitful! Let’s keep the soil of our hearts soft, willing, and ready to grow. He will do the rest! (And believe me... you will be left amazed.)
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Until next time!
Hope you have some conversations with God about money this week!