Fighting the Battle

You know that saying “it’s like riding a bike”?

It’s often used to say how even if you haven't done something in a very long time you'll undoubtedly remember how to do it naturally as soon as you get back on,

you can’t forget how to do it.

If I'm honest with you, I thought that is how I would feel after being off “work” for a month…

Man was I wrong!

It has been a sTrUgGle to create, be inspired, and find new ways to serve you well.

But there is one thing I did while I was away that helped me and I think would likely help you too if you ever find yourself in a similar place…

While I was away from “work” for a month The Lord both inspired and convicted me to “work” at


He revealed to me that the battles I am fighting won’t be solved by things that I can see because they aren’t caused by things that I can see.

  • He opened my eyes to the eminent attacks from the evil one on my husband.

  • He showed me how deeply he loves it when I simply lay my whole heart out to him every day instead of praying shallow little prayers.

  • He reminded me of the weapon that my prayers are.

So when I came back to “work” without inspiration, or passion I took it to the One whom I had learned to lay my heart before.

I prayed

And through prayer I felt His gentle nudging, confirmed by the wise advise from a couple dear friends, to look back at what sparked into existence My Two Cents all those years ago.

I flipped through the pages of my old Bible and as I did those green highlights jumped out at me, page after page, and took me back to that original thought in my 17-year-old brain,

Why is no one in church talking about this when the Bible talks about it SO much!?” 

15 years later I can say with glee that the church (slowly but surely) IS talking about this! There are far more authors, pastors, speakers, and organizations devoted to teaching rightly the Word of God on about finances than I ever had known!

I’m convinced (as I Pray over each of these other Christian finance companies) that I’m not in competition against them but with them

In light of this, I’ve decided to prioritize lifting them up by prioritizing sharing with you an author, podcaster, speaker, organization, or content creator who is running this race with me in hopes that you will not only find another avenue to learn and grow from, but so that YOU can also be inspired to spread the word to your Small groups, friends, family, and churches about the invaluable resources that are far less known than they ought to be!

When you aren’t sure what you (or your loved ones) need. Pray. He knows. He hears you, and believe me, He is close even when you cannot feel him.

would you like to pray with me? 

Heavenly Father,

How great is the love you have lavished on us that we could be called children of God! And that is what we are!

Today we come before you together, each in our own place, but together to bring our whole hearts to lay out before you.. How is it that you care so deeply about all these little things in our lives?! Lord you are so incredibly kind to us!

We pray today not only over our own lives but all our brothers and sisters reading this as well.

May you cover us with your mighty wings and empower us to stand guard against the Evil One. Let no thoughts from him slip through without notice. May we call out the lies he tries to slither into our minds and the minds of our loved ones!

Lord may all those in our local churches, from the newcomers to the leaders, be ever captivated by Your Word and never cease to crave to know fully and to rightly handle the truth that it holds. May our local churches grow to love one other in a way that makes the World see You in us!

Forgive us for our pride, selfishness, and ignorance, Lord. We humble ourselves before you and long to be all that you have created us to be!

To you be all the Glory and all the honor for ever more!


Have some

conversations with

God about money




Would you know it if you heard it?


The distraction of “end times”…