Access to the 30-day Prayer challenge resources!

This is where we go to war for our Brothers and sisters in Christ (as well as ourselves!) knowing that prayer is the MOST powerful move we can make in our finacial lives!

Ready to start?

Want to know more?

Better than Gold

This is MTC’s exclusive book club whose name is derived from Proverbs 16:16 - “How much better to get wisdom than gold,…”

psssttt…. you aren’t required to do any reading!

Request to Join now and you will be added upon verification!

Exclusive Stories on Instagram

This is the best part of being an Insider!

Watch for that green bubble in your Instagram stories for Live prayers during the Prayer Challenge, exclusive behind-the-scenes content, and more!

Send me a Direct Message on Instagram with the words “INSIDE SCOOP” and I’ll add you in!

Preparation Package

This 5-day workshop is MTC’s most popular course!

It walks you through how to do all the basic things you need to get done BEFORE life throws you a curveball!

I learned them the hard way when my husband was in a coma for 4 weeks! I hope you never need to learn this the hard way- that’s why I made this workshop!

Check it out!

insiders only discount code -> BETTERTHANGOLD <- gets you 50% off all courses, workshops, or studies!

insiders only discount code -> BETTERTHANGOLD <- gets you 50% off all courses, workshops, or studies!

Check out the latest books we’re reading.


I’m so glad you have decided to be a part of this as you embark on your financial journey with Christ!

It's my greatest hope that MTC’s content, discounts, and encouragement to spur you on!

I am so encouraged that YOU ARE serious about growing, learning, and discipling others to honor God in our financial walk!

  • 50% off all Workshops, courses, and studies using then code: BETTERTHANGOLD

    convenient access to past, present, and future worksheets/printables for FREE!

  • Exclusive content, including the Prayer Challege, Book discussions, and “Life behind the scenes” found nowhere else!

  • Join a group of people that are like minded in their financial journey and willing to “go to war” in prayer over your financial life too!


  • Absolutely! come fora month or stay for years! it’s all up to you

  • Although I want to get these resources and content to as many people as I can, charging a small cost acts as a gate to keep this group safer AND allows MTC to be able to keep producing valuable resources & reach others.

  • The First Months Subscription Purchase ls Non-refundable.

    I do reserve the right to deny any refund request, but I totally understand all the differing reasons a refund may be desired and am happy to help you get what you need! Just email me!

  • Not yet.

    I’m working on a way to make that happen, but as of right now encouragement to each other is simply in knowing we’re in this together! You are not alone and this whole group is praying over us all!