In a recent poll I held on social media, I found that over 70% of couples had only one spouse that knew how to handle the finances. 

In other words - if something happened to that spouse the other would be at a loss as to what bills needed to be paid, and when.

I could cause some financial problems.

And if you're single and haven't appointed a “Running Buddy” to handle things like this, the same problems will occur!

 Take it from me! I learned the hard way… when I needed to access my husband's accounts to pay a bill while he was in a coma. 

That's why simply taking the time to make a log of our financial and bill accounts is so very helpful!

If you're single, choose a trusted relative or very close friend (your running buddy) with the location of this log.

I'd recommend keeping it with your important documents you gathered and organized yesterday.

No cost

Anything works!

Notebook? SURE!

Scrap piece of paper? Why not!

Or you can download and print this pdf!

Whichever you choose - keep it with your important papers.

Make it easy!

Just for this

I specifically designed this folder for this workshop!

All the worksheets are printed for you!

Want to check it out?

One of the things I learned I could do (that helped immensely!) was simply putting my fingerprint in my husband's phone.

Knowing his phones code was not enough to give me the access I needed. But once I put my fingerprint in, I was able to access everything. This would be a great idea for both of you to have your fingerprints in each other's phones!

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.

-Proverbs 21:5

The key to making this successful is to simply update it often.

So write in pencil!

You could even keep this info on a spreadsheet on your computer and print it off!

As long as your spouse/running buddy knows where it is, and you update it frequently any method works!


Todays Task

Write down all usernames and passwords

Add your fingerprint to your spouse’s phone

I know this is tedious work…

Start with the most important accounts like your financial & insurance accounts. 


While you are looking into all your accounts passwords/usernames make sure your spouse or running buddy are listed as beneficiaries on every financial account!


Also, I recommend that you don't spend more than an hour doing this today - let's not frazzle our brains too much in one sitting!


Once this is done move onto the next lesson. ;)