What is “Power of Attorney”? 


To be honest, my naive self didn't even know what this was until I needed it. 

POA is a document that gives the person of your choosing the legal right to make decisions for you when you are unable to.

Now, I'm no legal expert by any means, but I learned the hard way that a document requiring BOTH our signatures could have been signed by me while he was in a coma… if I had had POA over my husband… but I didn't, and it left me in a bind.

Which is why I'm imploring you to get this done now… not after you wish you had!


I'm going to point you to the same company I used to get this done quickly (about 20 minutes!)

 and for FREE!



This site doesn't just do Wills!

You can write up your FREE P.O.A. documents here too!

Make sure to follow their directions. 

Print it off at home.

It will tell you what is required in your state to make it legal. Getting it notarized is the hardest part -don't put that off!

 Did you know?

Your bank very likely has, not only a notary, but will also provide the needed witnesses for you for free?!


Even if you and your spouse can't both get in to do it at the same time, don't use that as an excuse not to get one or the other done!

Todays Task

Set up POA.

*if you’re single make sure to talk to your running buddy about this!

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” -Proverbs 17:17

Check this off SOON! Then move on to the final step!