Isn’t it refreshing to realize that by the time we finish these 5 steps, you will be WELL on your way to completing the basic “adulting” things we all should have done?

 And! I'm happy to tell you that we are starting off

with the funnest (most fun??) part!

Todays Task

Organize all important papers into an accordion binder, trapper keeper, or file folder.

There are very few “rules” about how to organize your important documents, but I would highly advise you:

  1. Have multiple “pockets” to separate documents into similar categories.

  2. Plainly label it and keep it in the same location all the time (make sure your spouse and/or emergency contact knows where you keep it)

  3. If you have a Fireproof cabinet or safe, keep it in there.

Easy enough, right?

Well…maybe you're not the creative penny-pinching type and that sounds awful… if so, I do have a resource that may interest you! 

Make it easy!

Get the Binder

This has it ALL premade FOR you! Just plug in the info and stuff the pockets!

Want to know how to get your hands on it?

No cost

Be Creative

Have an old trapper-keeper?

An Accordion filer.

A 3-ring binder? Manilla Envelopes?

Be Creative!

So what important papers are we talking about here?

-Birth Certificates

-Marriage certificate (if applicable)

-Car Titles


-any papers that are difficult and/or cost money to get duplicates of.


The reason we want to have these organized and in a certain place is simply for the sake of keeping them safe (and found!) so if YOU aren't there to point out where they are your spouse or running buddy*, who may rarely use any of those papers, would be able to easily find them if the need arose.

 “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

-2 Timothy 1:7


- you've got the first step-

hop to it! ;)

Once you’ve got your binder all set up with your papers check this off and move on to the next lesson!

*Running buddy: Someone who is with you, who has and will continue to be, by your side through the race of life.

For my single friends- you need a running buddy! It can be your parent, sibling, a lifelong friend, a trusted mentor.

Choose your running buddy WISELY and ask them if they're up for being that for you.