How do you feel about life insurance? If I'm honest, it's a difficult thing for me…


Someone I loved once told me they almost took their life because when money was tight, and there seemed "no way" to provide, they were “worth more dead than alive”.


For a long time I refused to get life insurance on my husband for that very reason… I never wanted that thought to cross his mind. 


However, upon nearly losing him I realized the grief I felt was doublefold. Not only was I grieved by the very real possibility of losing the one I loved and the father my boys needed, but I was ALSO grieved that our way of life, homeschooling, a home of our own, our ability to support our church, and my freedom to pursue what I felt God calling me to do had a very real possibility of being lost also.

It is a deep sorrow to lose both of those things in one foul swoop.

Having life insurance doesn't relieve the grief of losing a loved one - it only relieves the grief of losing our way of life as well.


Recommended by Ramsey

In just seconds you can compare rates from the Top Term Life Companies and find the best plan for your needs. 

 You may be wondering: “How much should I get?”

The recommended amount is 10-12x your annual income.

Sounds like a MASSIVE amount, right? I agree!  But let me explain WHY this is recommended:

If you invest that amount assuming around a 10% rate of return (the amount that's yours to use) on that investment, The cash you get each month will be the same as their monthly income was. In essence, your way of life could stay the same.

"…know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory…"                     -Ephesians 3:19-21

Todays Task

prayerfully calculate how much life insurance would be wise for you and start getting quotes.

I would also like to take a moment to remind your heart that God can do far more than we could ever ask or imagine. 

Our future, our way of life, is not “safe” or “secure” because we paid for it with insurance. It is only safe because our lives, and our futures are HIS.

If I had lost my husband without much life insurance, I am CONVINCED (without a shadow of a doubt!) that God could have, and would have, used even that awful situation for my good and his glory -because that is who he is! Fully with us. Fully able. Wholly good - even when life isn't.