
I'm so glad you're here!

Before we get started there are a couple of things that you need to know…


The first is this:

This workshop is not about easing anxiety or finding some sense of security in having our stuff together.

It is simply to help you do the hard work of basic preparation because that is something wise servants of Christ do out of love for those close to us. Amen?


Anxiety will never go away because of a few papers in a folder… that's not where we are told to cast our anxiety, is it?

Cast your anxiety on Jesus. He is the Prince of Peace!

There's a danger in doing this… it can cause us to believe that we're more secure now. We can become proud and think we are prepared because WE are wise and WE did the work. That kind of thinking will begin to shift our security to ourselves, our plans, our preparation (which is ever uncertain and ever changing), instead of in Jesus- who is the same yesterday today and forever and is wholly worthy of all our trust.


I encourage you through this process to evaluate your hearts posture towards it. Pray for the Lord to align our motives and desires with his truth & character.


Watch for the verses in each email to help us keep our eyes on Jesus throughout this workshop!

I also want to implore you to finish each step before moving on to the next one! Don’t skip ahead. Do the work, then reward yourself by seeing what the next step holds for you!